15 June 2021
iomart Group plc
("iomart", the "Group" or the "Company")
Final Results
Robust business model delivers resilient performance, with a refreshed strategy positioning iomart for growth
iomart (AIM:IOM), the cloud computing company, is pleased to report its consolidated final results for the year ended 31 March 2021.
| 2021 | 2020 | Change |
Revenue | £111.9m | £112.6m | -0.6% |
% of recurring revenue 1 | 90% | 85% | +4.9% |
Adjusted EBITDA2 | £41.4m | £43.5m | -4.8% |
Adjusted profit before tax3 | £19.6m | £22.8m | -13.8% |
Profit before tax | £12.5m | £16.8m | -25.7% |
Operating cash generation | £43.7m | £41.3m | +5.7% |
Adjusted diluted eps4 | 14.4p | 16.3p | -11.7% |
Basic eps | 9.3p | 12.5p | -25.6% |
Proposed final dividend per share | 4.5p | 3.93p | +14.5% |
· | Revenue resilient through the Covid-19 pandemic at £111.9m (2020: £112.6m), with revenue mix improving as growth in core cloud managed services was offset by reduction in non-recurring revenue. Positive contribution from prior year acquisitions |
· | Adjusted EBITDA2 of £41.4m (2020: £43.5m) with 37.0% adjusted EBITDA margin (2020: 38.6%), higher than industry average and in-line with expectations |
· | Adjusted profit before tax3 impacted by an increase of £1.3m in the depreciation charge in the year following acquisitions |
· | High levels of operating cash generated in the year at £43.7m (2020: £41.3m) which represents a 106% conversion of adjusted EBITDA (2020: 95%) |
· | Year end cash position of £23.0m (2020: £15.5m) with net debt of £54.6m (2020: £57.6m) which remains at a comfortable level of 1.3 times adjusted EBITDA |
· | Appointment of Reece Donovan as Chief Executive Officer, from 1 October 2020, following retirement of founder and long-standing CEO, Angus MacSween |
· | Strategic review completed and refreshed strategy launched post year end, re-positioning iomart's offerings around the growing hybrid cloud market |
· | Progress achieved on greater integration to 'one-iomart'; retirement of SystemsUp consultancy brand, merger of sales and operational teams within Cloud Services, IaaS and consulting and recent appointments for key positions in leadership team |
· | Investment in data centre infrastructure and network, which continues to be a competitive differentiator, to improve resilience and reduce environmental impact |
· | Commitment to purchase Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin ("REGO") certified renewable electricity across our data centre estate |
· | The Group has traded in line with management expectations at the start of the new financial year, in a manner consistent with the Group's high recurring revenue business model |
· | Sales pipeline provides confidence in increased new customer wins as we move through the year, with a positive impact on revenue anticipated from H2 FY22 |
· | Board increasingly confident in the long-term prospects for the Group |
A full reconciliation between adjusted and statutory profit before tax is contained within this statement on page 12. The largest item is the consistent add back of the non-cash amortisation of acquired intangible assets of £5.5m. The largest variance, year on year, is a £1.8m lower gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration relating to historic acquisitions.
Reece Donovan, CEO commented,
"The year covered by this report coincided almost to the day with the onset of the pandemic in the UK. We can look back with pride on what has been achieved during this unprecedented time for all of our employees and wider stakeholders. Our focus during the year was on the protection of our people and the business and our team responded with commitment, resilience, and dedication. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank them for their efforts and support.
"We have now begun a new chapter for iomart, and I am proud to be at the helm of this great team. We have identified a significant market opportunity, growing our propositions in hybrid cloud, security, the digital workplace and connectivity, supporting our customers as they adapt to new ways of working now and in the future.
"We have proven the robustness of our business, underpinned by high levels of recurring revenues, breadth of customer base and strong cash generation. This is now enhanced with a clear strategic vision and roadmap to re-position the Group for growth, both organically and through selective acquisitions, and the Board is increasingly confident in the positive outlook for the long-term prospects for the Group."
1 Recurring revenue is the revenue that repeats either under long-term contractual arrangement or on a rolling basis by predictable customer habit. % of recurring revenue is defined as recurring revenue (as disclosed in note 3) / revenue (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income)
2 Throughout these financial statements adjusted EBITDA (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) before share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration. Throughout these financial statements acquisition costs are defined as acquisition related costs and non-recurring acquisition integration costs.
3Throughout these financial statements adjusted profit before tax (as disclosed in the Chief Financial Officer's report) is profit before tax, amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on revaluation of contingent consideration.
4 Throughout these financial statements adjusted diluted earnings per share is earnings before amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, acquisition costs, gain on revaluation of contingent consideration and the tax effect of adjusted items/weighted average number of ordinary shares - diluted (as disclosed in note 6).
This announcement contains forward-looking statements, which have been made by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of the approval of this report and such information should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying such forward-looking information.
For further information:
iomart Group plc |
Tel: 0141 931 6400 |
Reece Donovan, Chief Executive Officer |
Scott Cunningham, Chief Financial Officer |
Peel Hunt LLP (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker) | Tel: 020 7418 8900 |
Edward Knight, Paul Gillam, Nick Prowting |
Investec Bank PLC (Joint Broker) | Tel: 020 7597 4000 |
Patrick Robb, Virginia Bull, Sebastian Lawrence |
Alma PR | Tel: 020 3405 0205 |
Caroline Forde, Hilary Buchanan, Joe Pederzolli |
About iomart Group plc
For over 20 years iomart Group plc (AIM: IOM) has been helping growing organisations to maximise the flexibility, cost effectiveness and scalability of the cloud. From data centres we own and operate in the U.K., and from connected facilities across the globe, we can provide multiple secure infrastructure solutions from branch office backups, to hyper cloud migrations, and everything in between, delivered typically with a 24/7 managed service. Our team of over 400 dedicated staff work with our customers at the strategy stage through to delivery and ongoing management, to implement the secure cloud solutions that deliver to their business requirements.
For further information about the Group, please visit www.iomart.com
I am pleased to report that iomart (the "Group") has performed resiliently during a year over-shadowed by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our financial performance was stable throughout the year and we remain strongly profitable and cash generative.
In October 2020, following 20 years at the helm of iomart, building a £100m turnover business, with industry leading margins and a growing reputation in the private cloud market, the Group's founder, Angus MacSween retired as CEO to take up a Non-Executive Director position. Angus was succeeded by Reece Donovan. Over the last six months Reece has led a detailed review of our medium to long-term strategy, the output of which was presented at a Capital Markets Day on 5 May 2021. The Capital Markets Day centred around the concept of 'one iomart' and the expansion of our offering. Sector expectation is that all areas of the cloud will undoubtedly grow and that hybrid and public cloud will grow most noticeably. Our resources, including our infrastructure and in house skills, enables us to grow into the hybrid and public spaces more easily than most, all the while continuing our ongoing eminence in the private cloud. We are upscaling the business, we remain acquisitive and we remain ambitious.
I would like to thank the iomart team for their hard work and commitment during this year. One of the strengths of the Group is the quality of its fantastic workforce, investing in them and their further development and support is one of the central tenets of the refreshed strategy. The strategy also sees an increased focus on the environment and our impact on the societies around us, as detailed later in this report.
During the year we paid an interim dividend of 2.60p per share which was paid to shareholders in January 2021. In addition, after updating our dividend policy, the Board is now proposing to pay a final dividend of 4.50p per share. With this final dividend payment, the total for the year will be 7.10p representing a 9% increase on the prior year. We believe this is appropriate given our funding position, robust business model, the low level of indebtedness within the Group and the fact we have not utilised any of the government furlough schemes. Subject to shareholder approval this proposed final dividend would be payable on 3 September 2021 to shareholders on the register at close on 13 August 2021.
The Board is satisfied with the balance between Executive and independent Non-Executive Directors which operated throughout the year. Further to the announcement made last September, it is now expected that Angus MacSween will extend his Non-Executive involvement beyond the initial expected 12 months from 1 October 2020, given the value he continues to add to the Board. In addition, the Board is seeking to appoint a fourth independent Non-Executive Director to add additional sector skills to support our execution of the refreshed medium term strategic plan.
The progress we have already seen in the delivery of the new strategy and the continued solid financial performance gives me and the Board confidence in a bright future for iomart.
Ian Steele
Non-Executive Chairman
15 June 2021
I am delighted to be presenting the first set of full year financial results as the Group's new CEO, having joined as COO during lockdown in March 2020, before taking over from founder and long-standing CEO Angus MacSween on 1 October 2020. As I outlined in the half year report, during the year the Board requested a detailed review of our medium to long-term strategy. We performed an extensive exercise involving detailed analysis of both internal and external factors with contribution from a wide variety of stakeholders. The output was presented at a Capital Markets Day on 5 May 2021. We have identified a clear strategic vision, which is outlined below, and the iomart team are now very much focused on the execution of this plan as we enter our new financial year.
Impact of Covid-19
The year covered by this report coincided almost to the day with the onset of the pandemic in the UK. We can look back with pride on what has been achieved during this unprecedented time for all of our employees and wider stakeholders. Our focus during the year was on the protection of our people and the business and our team responded with commitment, resilience, and dedication. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank them for their efforts and support.
The strength of our model can be seen in our resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the limited concentration of our customer base. We are not significantly exposed to industries that have suffered the worst. We did provide some financial support, in the form of extended credit, to a small number of customers during the lockdown period but have seen no change to what is a low level of bad debts during this year. However, we remain vigilant to the economic impact the ongoing situation may create, particularly on the SME segment of the market as government support schemes expire.
We did not apply for any support from the government's furlough scheme or funding loans. We continued to pay the salaries of the small number of the team whose roles were not required at various times, while encouraging them to offer their time to support their communities.
Resilient financial performance
iomart's robust business model has led to a solid financial performance across the year. Revenue for the full year was resilient at £111.9m (2020: £112.6m) with an improving mix of recurring revenue to 90% (2020: 85%). The Group's adjusted EBITDA1 reduced by 4.8% to £41.4m (2020: £43.5m) reflecting the underlying mix of the business activity in the year. This performance still translates to a market leading adjusted EBITDA margin of 37.0% (2020: 38.6%) which importantly, as in the past, has converted to strong operating cash flow. The asset base inherited with the prior year acquisitions drove an increase of £1.3m in the depreciation charge in the year, which along with a stable level of intangible asset amortisation and finance costs takes the Group's adjusted profit before tax2 to £19.6m (2020: £22.8m) for the year, representing an adjusted profit before tax margin of 17.5% (2020: 20.2%). These financial metrics, along with the strength of our balance sheet, puts us in a strong position from which to push forward with the execution of the updated strategy over the coming months and years.
Strong foundation for the next stage of growth
iomart benefits from multiple strengths in its model, offering and business make up. We have over 10,000 customers in our core cloud services segment, providing breadth and resilience and an opportunity for future expansion as we grow our offering. We have 13 data centres located across the UK, united by over 2000kms of private network infrastructure, offering outstanding resilience and connectivity for our customers, with over 25 points of presence globally, meaning we can deliver the services our customers need, whether inside the UK or out. We are financially robust, with high levels of recurring revenue and strong levels of cash generation, and importantly, as we embark on our new strategy, we do so with over 20 years' experience in our industry, having completed over 21 successful acquisitions.
Market and Strategy
The structural growth drivers for cloud computing solutions have remained consistent for a long period. This includes the greater demand to outsource, increasing complexity of IT requirements, more workloads being hosted in the cloud and ever growing demand for data and content. The current situation around Covid-19 have seen the acceleration in the adoption of digital transformation and remote working, both of which are likely to further enhance long-term drivers to the cloud.
As part of the strategic review process, we engaged consultants to provide insight into the market and our relative position. Their work reaffirmed that we are in a positive, growing market with lots of opportunity, but we do need to improve iomart's alignment to this future market and to ensure we are recognised as experts across a number of both existing and new service areas. This formed the backdrop to the review of our medium to long-term strategy.
Our strategic plans
The Capital Markets Day on 5 May 2021 provided insight into the markets we operate in, our starting position today and our future strategic plans. The presentation material, including a video recording, is available on our website at www.iomart.com. This presentation concluded with an aspiration to become a £200m revenue business within 5 years, and be recognised as a leading secure hybrid cloud business. To achieve this, three specific items were highlighted as important enablers:
· Connect - connecting with our customers and employees, connecting employees with their businesses, connecting parts of their businesses to each other, connecting businesses to data centres, and providing tools to enable collaboration facilitated by the digital workplace. Hybrid working is here to stay and connectivity is the glue to make this successful;
· Secure - keeping applications, data and business operations safe, allowing people to connect to their businesses safely, preventing cyber-attacks wherever possible, and providing the support when a recovery is needed; and
· Scale - allowing businesses to scale their infrastructure and capabilities, when and where they need to, helping provide cost certainty, and access to the right tools at the right time. We need to ensure that iomart has the right foundations on which to scale to meet this demand, and taking a long-term skills development approach.
Our strategic value creation roadmap will focus on three main activities:
· | New services and geographies - we will focus on four new service areas - hybrid cloud, security, the future digital workplace and connectivity; |
· | Complementary acquisitions - to expand the customer base and to acquire new skillsets; and |
· | Protect and expand the existing base of run rate revenue and EBITDA. |
In order to make all of this a success, we are shifting our values and culture to put our people and customers at the heart of all that we do. We will have a strong focus on delivering results, being ambitious and embedding learning in the way in which we work. We will also increase the way in which we care for our people, society and the environment. We have highly experienced staff with a broad range of technical knowledge and skills, and they will be a key area of investment over the coming years, broadening and deepening the available skill sets for the benefit of our customers.
From a structural perspective, our existing suite of underlying tooling, previously only deployed in a somewhat siloed manner, will be harnessed across the business to deliver the future product and service portfolio and deliver competitive advantages. We are also introducing a service team to work across the business and put the customer experience at the heart of everything we do.
Our customers are looking for a straightforward, trusted and expert partner to support their digital business needs and enable their long term success. iomart operates its own data centre estate and secure fibre network across the UK, with an additional 25 points of presence globally. These assets provide our customers with a single source of accountability, with full end-to-end control and knowledge of the quality of the underlying components, to deliver a secure and reliable 24/7 service. Our people provide expertise and build relationships with customers to understand both current and future requirements. We have partnerships with multiple vendors and extensive technical knowledge ensuring we can design agile solutions that deliver value for money and cost certainty, while ensuring full data sovereignty. It is this intricate blend of our straightforward brand approach, owned assets, people and relationships focus, and agile solution model, along with our extensive customer base and more than 20 years' experience, that gives us our competitive advantage and allows us to differentiate ourselves in the market.
Through these initiatives, and the reduction in the number of brands within the group, we will create a single refreshed 'one iomart' organisation over the next 12 to 24 months.
Operational Review
While all of our activities involve the provision of services from common infrastructure, we are organised into two operating segments, Cloud Services (£99.9m revenue) and Easyspace (£11.9m revenue).
Cloud Services is our core area of strategic focus, containing three offerings to which we can disaggregate revenue: iomart cloud managed services, self-managed infrastructure and non-recurring revenue. Easyspace is a highly profitable and cash generative segment, but is less of a focus area for growth.
Cloud Services
Revenues in this segment have grown by £0.1m to £99.9m (2020: £99.8m) benefitting from the acquisitions made in the prior year. Organic Cloud Services revenue declined by 6%, or £6.0m, due to a £5.5m reduction in non-recurring revenue, with higher reductions in on-premise project revenues, due to the impact of Covid-19 on corporate spend, being partially offset by completion of a £1m consultancy project for a local government customer, supporting deployment of modern workplace technology. There was continued organic growth in our core cloud managed services area, however this was offset by a £2.3m reduction in self-managed infrastructure revenues from smaller legacy customers resulting in an overall £0.5m net reduction in recurring revenue. Cloud Services adjusted EBITDA (before share based payments, acquisition costs and central group overheads) was £40.5m being 40.5% of revenue (2020: £42.3m, 42.4% of revenue).
Within our Cloud Services division, we have three core offerings, recognising the differing complexity of the solutions designed and the level of ongoing managed services we provide. This means we are able to supply products and services across the full cloud spectrum and to do so using shared resources and common platforms across the Group. For the first time we have provided additional disaggregated revenue values for each of these offerings:
· | iomart cloud managed services (£57.9m revenue): provides fully managed, complex bespoke designs, resulting in resilient solutions involving various infrastructures. This has a wide range of offering across the full cloud spectrum from simpler colocation data centre services to a full 24/7 managed service complemented by all of our offering around back-up and disaster recovery. The provision of a full managed service to our customers is the strategic focus for the Group as discussed earlier, with the strongest market outlook and gives a great opportunity for us to accelerate growth by supporting customers now and into the future on their cloud journey. Currently, private cloud dominates the installed customer solutions but as part of our strategic review, we intend to expand further into specific hybrid solutions, encompassing the public cloud. |
· | Self-managed infrastructure (£30.3m revenue): delivers dedicated, physical, self-service servers to customers. We provide many thousands of physical severs for our customers using highly automated systems and processes which we continue to develop and improve. Over the last few years we have been a consolidator of the UK market within this area, via our M&A activity, including our most recent acquisition of Memset in the prior year. In line with our 'one iomart' objective, ensuring minimum disruption to the customer experience, we continue to consolidate legacy brands within this offering. |
· | Non-recurring revenue (£11.7m revenue): this represents point in time type revenue in the form of hardware/software reselling and also consultancy projects. Cristie Data which we acquired in 2017 makes up the bulk of the non-recurring hardware revenue activity. |
The Easyspace segment which provides a range of products to the micro and SME markets including domain names, shared, dedicated and virtual servers and email services, saw a reduction in revenue in the year to £11.9m (2020: £12.8m). To grow Easyspace significantly would mean competing in a more commoditised market with the need for a high marketing budget. As a result, our target for Easyspace is to retain our existing presence in the UK market via selective marketing and responding to market conditions with dynamic pricing. As in the past, Easyspace delivered strong profitability with an adjusted EBITDA (before share-based payments, acquisition costs and central group overheads) of £5.3m, 44.8% of revenue (2020: £5.6m, 44.2% of revenue). The business benefits from use of the Group infrastructure meaning this profitability translates to strong cash flow for the Group.
Infrastructure investment
We believe controlling our own infrastructure is important to delivering high quality, secure and robust solutions to customers. In June 2020, we extended our London data centre property lease from June 2030 to June 2035. Following this, we commenced the upgrade to the main cooling system which was well progressed at the year end with completion expected in July 2021, with an upgrade of the electrical systems expected to commence thereafter. These data centre projects improve resilience but also reduce the environmental impact of our operations. During the year we approved the investment of nearly £2m in next generation core routing technology, which will provide 100GB capacity on our network with the ability to scale to 400GB. As a result, customers will benefit from faster, even more reliable connections to support their data and applications.
Commitment to ESG and sustainability
As part of our environmental, social and governance ("ESG") and wider sustainability programme, in the current year, the Board approved the commitment to purchase Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin ("REGO") certified renewable electricity across our UK data centre estate. This will be effective from July 2021 and remain in place until the expiry of our current electricity contract in September 2022. During the year we also started working with Katrick Technology Limited, a start-up company based in Glasgow focused on innovative engineering technologies who have developed patented means to capture unharnessed energy within a data centre. We are pleased to say we signed an alliance agreement in June 2021 and will begin an exploratory project with them at our Glasgow data centre later this year.
One iomart
While the updated strategy will be fully launched in FY22, we undertook early steps in FY21 towards the 'one iomart' concept and to accelerate the greater level of integration of the group. Immediate steps within this area involves collapsing some of the legacy brands into the iomart brand and merging our teams to ensure the customer journey is consistent. This process has commenced and towards the end of the year we retired the SystemsUp consultancy brand and simplified our internal organisation to merge previously separate teams within Cloud Services, IaaS and consulting. The recent appointment of a Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Operating Officer are also important steps to ensure we have the correct structure to position the Group for success.
Implementing the strategic roadmap in FY22
We committed to completing the strategic review by the end of FY21, which was achieved. We are now focused on execution and have started a number of new initiatives:
· Hybrid preparation: the new hybrid cloud solution framework, product and partner selections, public cloud portfolio definitions and market reviews have now started and will be completed around the mid year point of FY22. Following this, we will begin to setup and implement the new services;
· Security maturation: while we continue to provide and mature our new security services, a full review of our expansion opportunities is underway. We plan to extend our security services during FY22;
· Connectivity: building on our existing assets and partnerships, we will be releasing an updated connectivity portfolio in the early part of FY22 in support of hybrid working requirements;
· Future digital workplace: we are now entering the Unified Communications market and the support for customers future digital workplace roll out has started with the formalisation of arrangements with our partner of choice, Gamma Communications now put in place. We will be building our expertise and targeting customers early in FY22;
· Sales, operational and organisational improvements: sales and operational improvements are underway, which is an ongoing, long-term initiative. The appointment of a new COO to oversee all operational activities across the majority of brands will serve to provide customers with a more consistent and reliable customer experience, irrespective of the services being consumed. This is vital to have in place as we scale the business;
· Brand development: in parallel with the new strategy development, we have been redesigning the iomart brand so it is more contemporary, closely aligned to what we want to achieve, and supportive of our new values and culture. We intend to release the updated brand details mid-way through FY22;
· M&A: M&A is a core of part of our strategy, and potential targets are being compiled with the view of acquiring additional assets and skills during FY22; and
· ESG: we will continue to put the environment and people high up on the Group's agenda, developing a more robust and long-term ESG strategy covering both areas. We have been involved in a number of charitable events, and we plan to continue and expand on these in the future.
Current trading and outlook
The start of the new financial year has seen financial results in line with our expectations, consistent with our high recurring revenue business model which gives good visibility.
While we begin the new financial year with a similar level of cloud managed services recurring revenue as 12 months ago, we do so from a stronger position due to the success of the UK vaccination programme, the resulting growing confidence across the UK business landscape and from the positive changes we have put in place through the year. We have verified that the market we operate in is growing and customers are looking for a partner who can provide a full breadth of service offering across the hybrid cloud.
We anticipate our sales pipeline will result in a stronger level of new customer wins as we move through the year as budgets for digital transformation programmes start to release. We will execute on the strategic improvement initiatives around our value proposition, branding and new service offerings, with a positive impact on revenue expected in the second half of the year and beyond, in line with expectations.
We have proven the robustness of our business, underpinned by high levels of recurring revenues, breadth of customer base and strong cash generation. This is now enhanced with a clear strategic vision and roadmap to re-position the Group for growth, both organically and through selective acquisitions, and the Board is increasingly confident in the positive outlook for the long-term prospects for the Group.
Reece Donovan
Chief Executive Officer
15 June 2021
Definition of alternative performance measures:
1 Throughout these financial statements adjusted EBITDA (disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) before share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration. Throughout these financial statements acquisition costs are defined as acquisition related costs and non-recurring acquisition integration costs.
2 Throughout these financial statements adjusted profit before tax (disclosed on page 12) is profit before tax, amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on revaluation of contingent consideration.
Financial Review
Key Performance indicators
| 2021 | 2020 |
Revenue |
| £111.9m | £112.6m |
% of recurring revenue1 |
| 90% | 85% |
Gross Profit %2 |
| 60.5% | 60.8% |
Adjusted EBITDA3 |
| £41.4m | £43.5m |
Adjusted EBITDA margin %4 |
| 37.0% | 38.6% |
Adjusted profit before tax5 |
| £19.6m | £22.8m |
Adjusted profit before tax margin %6 |
| 17.5% | 20.2% |
Profit before tax |
| £12.5m | £16.8m |
Profit before tax margin %7 |
| 11.1% | 14.9% |
Basic earnings per share |
| 9.3p | 12.5p |
Adjusted earnings per share (diluted) 8 |
| 14.4p | 16.3p |
Cash flow from operations / Adjusted EBITDA %9 | 106% | 95% |
| ||
Net debt / Adjusted EBITDA leverage ratio10 |
| 1.3 | 1.3 |
See page 14 for definition of alternative performance measures
Total revenue for the year is consistent with the prior year at £111.9m (2020: £112.6m), with growth from the acquisitions made in the prior year offset by, to the largest extent, a reduction in non-recurring revenue as a result of the impact of Covid-19 on customers, plus a £0.9m reduction within Easyspace, our domain name and mass hosting business, in line with our expectations.
Cloud Services
Overall, our Cloud Services segment grew revenues by £0.1m. For the first time, we have provided some additional disaggregation of revenue which is relevant for the Cloud Services segment. The following is the disaggregation of the Cloud Services revenue of £99.9m (2020: £99.8m):
Disaggregation of Cloud Services revenue |
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Cloud managed services |
| 57,961 | 54,590 |
Self-managed infrastructure |
| 30,311 | 28,009 |
Non-recurring revenue |
| 11,672 | 17,190 |
| 99,944 | 99,789 |
Cloud managed services
Cloud managed services is the area we have focused our development and commercial efforts on and where we have consistently achieved organic growth. Growth was achieved both organically (£1.8m) and through the acquisition of ServerChoice on the 28 February 2020. The strongest element of new orders in the year was from our existing customer base as they required increased capacity or additional services, with a lower contribution from new client wins. We believe the growth would have been higher if Covid-19 had not delayed the larger digital transformation projects which is often the catalyst for attracting new customers to iomart. We experienced higher than normal levels of non-renewals in the final months of the year, which while not significantly impacting recognised revenue in 2021, has resulted in an opening recurring revenue level within cloud managed services going into the new year at a level similar to 12 months ago.
Self-managed infrastructure
Over the previous two years we have experienced some reduction in revenue within the self-managed infrastructure activity, predominantly from the large tail of smaller customers within some of the acquired brands. Overall, this segment grew in the year, due to the contribution from the Memset acquisition, which was made on the 12 March 2020, however organic revenue reduced by £2.3m.
Non-recurring revenue
The largest area of revenue reduction in the current year was in non-recurring revenue in respect of on-premise hardware and software solution sales. This represented a £5.5m net reduction in revenue. This activity saw the most immediate impact from Covid-19 as customers simply delayed IT expenditure.
Our Easyspace segment has performed in line with expectations over the year with revenues reducing by £0.9m (6.7%) to £11.9m (2020: £12.8m). The domain name and web hosting business is a growing market but one in which we concluded that the marketing spend to compete with the global players was not the best use of our resources. The activity remains highly profitable and cash generative.
Business model
Our business model in both segments generally involves the provision of cloud and managed hosting services from our data centres, delivering the computing power, storage, and network capability our customers require for the operation of their own businesses. We have invested in an estate of data centres, an extensive fibre network and for each customer the servers, routers, firewalls etc that are necessary to create the IT infrastructure they require. These resources, along with the associated staff, are shared across most of our revenue streams. Customers pay us for the provision of that infrastructure, with the potential to add 3rd party technology and various degrees of a managed services wrapper.
Larger customers tend to have multi-year contracts for complex cloud solutions, which are invoiced and paid on a monthly basis. Many of our smaller customers pay in advance for the provision of services which results in a substantial sum of deferred revenue, which is then recognised over the period of the service provision. A significant proportion of our revenue is therefore recurring and the combination of multi-year contracts and payment in advance provides us with excellent revenue visibility.
Gross Profit
Gross profit in the year, which is calculated by deducting from revenue variable cost of sales such as domain costs, public cloud costs, the cost of hardware and software sold, power, sales commission and the relatively fixed costs of operating our data centres, reduced by £0.9m to £67.6m (2020: £68.5m). In percentage terms, gross margin2 was broadly stable at 60.5% (2020: 60.8%), however, the movement in the year is a combination of a reduction in on-premise hardware and software solution sales which are typically lower gross margin given the inclusion of the reselling element of their solutions, offset by initial lower contribution levels on some of the larger managed cloud solutions compared to margins from the self-managed infrastructure only deals made in previous years.
We have not seen any significant individual price change in any of the components of the purchased cost base in the last 12 months, although as more complex solutions are designed for customers we generally see more bought in recurring costs being introduced to our cost of sales.
Adjusted EBITDA3
The Group's adjusted EBITDA reduced by 4.8% to £41.4m (2020: £43.5m) which in adjusted EBITDA margin4 terms translates to 37.0% (2020: 38.6%). The impact of the acquisitions is the main factor behind the increase in the administration expense (before depreciation, amortisation, share based payment charges and acquisition cost) of £1.2m versus the previous year comparative with a small £0.2m saving within the underlying business.
Cloud Services segment saw a 4.3% reduction in adjusted EBITDA to £40.5m (2020: £42.3m). In percentage terms the Cloud Services margin decreased to 40.5% (2020: 42.4%). This adjusted EBITDA profitability reflects the reducing revenue contribution from the higher margin legacy self-managed infrastructure, which cannot be fully replaced by the initial profitability of wins within the more complex managed cloud services, along with some investments in operations in the year. Although at a lower overall level, stability was achieved during the year, with the second half adjusted EBITDA margin being consistent with those achieved in the first half of the year.
The Easyspace segment's adjusted EBITDA was £5.3m (2020: £5.6m) reflecting the impact of slightly lower revenue this year offset with some improvement in gross margin due to the specific bundle of packages sold to hosting customers. In percentage terms the adjusted EBITDA margin increased to 44.8% (2020: 44.2%).
Group overheads remained stable at £4.4m (2020: £4.4m). These are costs which are not allocated to segments, including the cost of the Board, the running costs of the headquarters in Glasgow, Group marketing, human resource, finance and design functions and legal and professional fees for the year.
Adjusted profit before tax5
The depreciation charge of £16.9m (2020: £15.6m) has increased by £1.3m in the year, driven by the acquired asset base of the Memset and ServerChoice acquisitions at the end of last year. The depreciation charge as a percentage of recurring revenue is 16.8% which is broadly consistent with prior year of 16.4%.
The charge for amortisation of intangibles, excluding amortisation of intangible assets resulting from acquisitions ("amortisation of acquired intangible assets"), of £2.9m (2020: £2.9m) has remained stable year on year.
Finance costs of £2.0m (2020: £2.2m), has reduced due to lower bank loan interest as LIBOR rates fell.
After deducting the charges for depreciation, amortisation (excluding the charges for the amortisation of acquired intangible assets) and finance costs from the adjusted EBITDA, the Group's adjusted profit before tax reduced to £19.6m (2020: £22.8m), representing an adjusted profit before tax margin6 of 17.5% (2020: 20.2%).
Profit before tax
The measure of adjusted profit before tax is an alternative profit measure which is commonly used to analyse the performance of companies particularly where M&A activity forms a significant part of their activities.
A reconciliation of adjusted profit before tax to reported profit before tax is shown below:
Reconciliation of adjusted profit before tax to profit before tax |
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Adjusted profit before tax5 |
| 19,628 | 22,768 |
Less: Amortisation of acquired intangible assets |
| (5,457) | (6,159) |
Less: Acquisition costs |
| (493) | (438) |
Less: Share-based payments |
| (1,247) | (1,243) |
Add: Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| 33 | 1,856 |
Profit before tax |
| 12,464 | 16,784 |
The adjusting items are: charges for the amortisation of acquired intangible assets of £5.5m (2020: £6.2m) with the reduction being from expiry of the amortisation charge on earlier acquisitions; acquisition costs of £0.5m (2020: £0.4m) and share-based payment charges of £1.2m (2020: £1.2m).
In addition, the adjusting items also include a minor gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration in the year on the prior year acquisitions. During the year to 31 March 2020, the equivalent value was higher at £1.9m which related to the reduction in the earn-out payment on the December 2019 LDeX acquisition.
After deducting these items from the adjusted profit before tax, the reported profit before tax was £12.5m (2020: £16.8m). In percentage terms the profit before tax margin7 was a reduction to 11.1% (2020: 14.9%) with one third of the reduction coming from a one off gain on contingency consideration in prior year not repeated, with the majority of the balance driven by the trading result in the year.
The tax charge for the year is £2.3m (2020: £3.1m). The tax charge for the year is made up of a corporation tax charge of £3.5m (2020: £3.6m) with a deferred tax credit of £1.2m (2020: £0.5m). The effective rate of tax for the year is 18.1% (2020: 18.7%). The increase to a 25% UK corporation tax rate was not substantively enacted at 31 March 2021 consequently, at the year end, the deferred tax balances have been calculated with a 19% rate. We believe the UK headline corporation tax rate, is considered a reasonable recurring effective tax rate for underlying profits. Further explanation of the tax charge for the year is given in note 4.
Profit for the year
After deducting the tax charge for the year from the profit before tax the Group has recorded a profit for the year from total operations of £10.2m (2020: £13.6m).
Earnings per share
The calculation of both adjusted earnings per share and basic earnings per share is included at note 6.
Basic earnings per share from continuing operations was 9.3p (2020: 12.5p), a reduction of 25.6%.
Adjusted diluted earnings per share8, based on profit for the year attributed to ordinary shareholders before amortisation charges of acquired intangible assets, acquisition costs, share-based payment charges, the gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration, and the tax effect of these items was 14.4p (2020: 16.3p), a reduction of 11.7%.
The measure of adjusted diluted earnings per share as described above is a non-statutory measure which is commonly used to analyse the performance of companies particularly where M&A activity forms a significant part of their activities.
Our dividend policy, which has been in place for several years now, is based on the profitability of the business in the period measured with reference to the adjusted diluted earnings per share we deliver in a financial year. For the last few years we have been paying dividends at the maximum level allowed by our stated policy. We have reviewed our dividend policy in the year and with the continued strong level of cash generation in the business are increasing the maximum pay-out policy from 40% to 50% of adjusted diluted earnings per share. This amendment allows the Directors to propose a final dividend of 4.50p which is above the prior year of 3.93p and we believe is fully appropriate given the recurring revenue nature of the Group, the level of operating cash which we deliver, the low level of indebtedness within the Group and the fact we have not utilised any of the government furlough schemes. As a result, along with the interim dividend of 2.60p (2020: 2.60p), which was paid in January 2021, the total dividend for the year is 7.10p (2020: 6.53p), an increase of 8.7%.
Cash flow and net debt
Net cash flows from operating activities
The Group continued to generate high levels of operating cash over the year. Cash flow from operations was £43.7m (2020: £41.3m) which represents a 106% conversion9 of adjusted EBITDA (2020: 95%). During the year the Group received £2.3m of cash deposit back from our landlord as part of the negotiation of the extension of the London data centre lease to June 2035. Adjusting for this one item takes the EBITDA conversion to cash ratio to 100% in the year. This strong level of cash flow conversion has been a constant feature over the years, recognising the strength of our business model and cash cycle.
Payments of taxation in the year was £1.1m lower at £3.6m (2020: £4.7m) and results in a net cash flow from operating activities in the year of £40.1m (2020: £36.6m), an increase of 9.4%.
Cash flow from investing activities
Our strategy is to continue to reinvest some of our strong operating cash flow we generate back into the business both in the form of internal investments into our global infrastructure but also in the continuation of our disciplined acquisition strategy.
The Group invested a total of £19.2m (2020: £21.3m) during the year.
The Group continues to invest in property, plant and equipment through expenditure on data centres and on equipment required to provide managed services to both its existing and new customers. As a result, the Group spent £15.2m (2020: £14.7m) on assets, net of related lease drawdowns, trade creditor movements and non-cash reinstatement provisions. Most of the spend in the year was on operational items such as servers and storage to support customer deployments. Project type capital expenditure on the infrastructure was £0.7m higher than last year. This included payments associated with the investment in the London data centre chiller replacement and the network upgrade in the last quarter of the year.
Expenditure was also incurred on development costs of £1.3m (2020: £1.4m) and on intangible assets of £0.6m (2020: £1.1m).
We made no acquisitions in the last year (2020: £4.1m of payments, net of cash acquired). During the year we incurred £2.4m of expenditure in respect of contingent consideration due on previous year acquisitions (2020: £nil). As we have outlined in our strategy we do expect M&A activity will continue to support and accelerates our organic growth ambitions over the coming five years.
Cash flow from financing activities
Drawdowns of £1.2m (2020: £6.2m) were made from the revolving credit facility in the year to fund the payment of contingent consideration due on acquisitions. Bank loan repayments of £1.2m (2020: £2.0m) were made in the year thus the closing drawn bank loan remains unchanged at £52.8m (2020: £52.8m). Cash received in the year from issue of shares was £0.4m (2020: £0.6m). We also made dividend payments of £7.1m (2020: £8.3m); paid finance costs of £1.1m (2020: £1.7m); and made lease repayments of £5.4m (2020: £4.7m).
Net cash flow
As a consequence, our overall cash generated during the year was £7.5m (2020: £5.4m) which resulted in cash and cash equivalent balances at the end of the year of £23.0m (2020: £15.5m).
Net Debt
The net debt position of the Group at the end of the year was £54.6m (2020: £57.6m) as shown below. The increase in the lease liability to £24.9m (2020: £20.3m) primarily relates to extensions to existing lease arrangements, including the five-year extension to our London data centre. The net debt position represents a multiple of 1.3 times10 (2020: 1.3 times) our adjusted EBITDA which we believe is a comfortable level of debt to carry given the recurring revenue business model and strong cash generation in the business.
| 2021 £'000 |
2020 £'000 |
Bank revolver loan |
| 52,791 | 52,791 |
Lease liabilities |
| 24,867 | 20,347 |
Less: cash and cash equivalents |
| (23,038) | (15,497) |
Net Debt |
| 54,620 | 57,641 |
The banking facility, which provides an £80m revolving credit facility, matures in September 2022.
Financial position
The strength of our business model, with high recurring revenue, low customer concentration across wide sectors and a positive cash cycle is well established and creates a very strong financial position. This resilience has been proven during the last 12 months in what has been an unprecedented period globally with the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Group continues to generate substantial amounts of operating cash. The generation of that cash flow, together with the committed bank loan facility for acquisitions, capital expenditure and general business purposes, means that the Group has the liquidity it requires to continue its growth through both organic and acquisitive means.
Scott Cunningham
Chief Financial Officer
15 June 2021
Definition of alternative performance measures:
1 Recurring revenue is the revenue the repeats either under long-term contractual arrangement or on a rolling basis by predictable customer habit. % of recurring revenue is defined as Recurring Revenue (as disclosed in note 3) / Revenue (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income)
2 Gross profit margin % is defined as Gross Profit / Revenue as a % (both as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income)
3 Adjusted EBITDA (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) before share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on the revaluation of contingent consideration. Throughout these financial statements acquisition costs are defined as acquisition related costs and non-recurring acquisition integration costs.
4 Adjusted EBITDA margin % is defined as adjusted EBITDA (as defined on page 9) / Revenue (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) as a %
5 Adjusted profit before tax (as disclosed on page 12) is profit before tax, amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on revaluation of contingent consideration.
6 Adjusted profit before tax margin % is defined as adjusted PBT (as defined on page 9) / Revenue (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) as a %
7 Profit before tax margin % is defined as Profit before Tax / Revenue (both as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income) as a %
8 Adjusted diluted earnings per share is earnings before amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, acquisition costs and gain on revaluation of contingent consideration and the tax impact of adjusted items /weighted average number of ordinary shares - diluted (as disclosed in note 6)
9 Cash flow from operations / Adjusted EBITDA % is defined as cash flow from operations (as disclosed in the consolidated statement of cash flows) / Adjusted EBITDA (as defined on page 9) as a %
10 Net debt / Adjusted EBIDTA level ratio is defined as Net Debt (as disclosed on page 14) / Adjusted EBITDA (as defined on page 9)
| Note | 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Revenue |
| 111,883 | 112,581 |
Cost of sales |
| (44,241) | (44,093) |
Gross profit |
| 67,642 | 68,488 |
Administrative expenses |
| (53,230) | (51,387) |
Operating profit |
| 14,412 | 17,101 |
Analysed as: |
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, acquisition costs and share-based payments |
| 41,408 | 43,510 |
Share-based payments |
| (1,247) | (1,243) |
Acquisition costs |
| (493) | (438) |
Depreciation |
| 8 | (16,882) | (15,635) |
Amortisation - acquired intangible assets |
| 7 | (5,457) | (6,159) |
Amortisation - other intangible assets |
| 7 | (2,917) | (2,934) |
Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| 33 | 1,856 |
Finance income |
| 19 | 39 |
Finance costs |
| (2,000) | (2,212) |
Profit before taxation |
| 12,464 | 16,784 |
Taxation |
| 4 | (2,260) | (3,135) |
Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent |
| 10,204 | 13,649 |
Other comprehensive income |
Amounts which may be reclassified to profit or loss |
Currency translation differences |
| (94) | 98 |
Other comprehensive income for the year |
| (94) | 98 |
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent |
| 10,110 | 13,747 |
Basic and diluted earnings per share |
Basic earnings per share |
| 6 | 9.3p | 12.5p |
Diluted earnings per share |
| 6 | 9.1p | 12.2p |
AS AT 31 MARCH 2021
| 2021 | 2020 |
| ||
| Note |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Non-current assets |
Intangible assets - goodwill |
| 7 |
| 86,479
| 86,479 |
Intangible assets - other |
| 7 |
| 18,101 | 24,631 |
Trade and other receivables |
| 502 | 2,760 |
Property, plant and equipment |
| 8 |
| 77,012 | 72,344 |
Deferred tax |
| 138 | - |
| 182,232 | 186,214 |
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 23,038 | 15,497 |
Trade and other receivables |
| 22,979 | 23,237 |
Current tax asset |
| 235 | - |
| 46,252 | 38,734 |
Total assets |
| 228,484 | 224,948 |
Non-current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
| (2,662) | (2,283) |
Non-current borrowings |
| 9 |
| (74,221) | (70,109) |
Provisions |
| (2,097) | (1,956) |
Deferred tax |
| 5 |
| - | (1,146) |
| (78,980) | (75,494) |
Current liabilities |
Contingent consideration due on acquisitions |
| 11 |
| - | (2,480) |
Trade and other payables |
| (29,495) | (31,948) |
Current tax liabilities |
| - | (3) |
Current borrowings |
| 9 |
| (3,437) | (3,029) |
| (32,932) | (37,460) |
Total liabilities |
| (111,912) | (112,954) |
Net assets |
| 116,572 | 111,994 |
Share capital |
| 1,097 | 1,092 |
Own shares |
| (70) | (70) |
Capital redemption reserve |
| 1,200 | 1,200 |
Share premium |
| 22,495 | 22,147 |
Merger reserve |
| 4,983 | 4,983 |
Foreign currency translation reserve |
| (44) | 50 |
Retained earnings |
| 86,911 | 82,592 |
Total equity |
| 116,572 | 111,994 |
Note | 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Profit before taxation |
| 12,464 | 16,784 |
Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| (33) | (1,856) |
Finance costs - net |
| 1,981 | 2,173 |
Depreciation |
| 8 | 16,882 | 15,635 |
Amortisation |
| 7 | 8,374 | 9,093 |
Share-based payments |
| 1,247 | 1,243 |
Movement in trade receivables |
| 2,516 | (1,107) |
Movement in trade payables |
| 268 | (627) |
Cash flow from operations |
| 43,699 | 41,338 |
Taxation paid |
| (3,643) | (4,719) |
Net cash flow from operating activities |
| 40,056 | 36,619 |
Cash flow from investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
| 8 | (15,192) | (14,688) |
Proceeds received from disposal of property, plant and equipment |
| 260 | - | ||
Development costs |
| 7 | (1,306) | (1,405) |
Purchase of intangible assets |
| (561) | (1,065) |
Proceeds received from disposal of intangible asset |
| 73 | - |
Payments for current period acquisitions net of cash acquired |
| - | (4,156) |
Contingent consideration paid |
| (2,447) | - |
Finance income received |
| 19 | 39 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
| (19,154) | (21,275) |
Cash flow from financing activities |
Issue of shares |
| 353 | 636 |
Drawdown of bank loans |
| 1,150 | 6,150 |
Repayment of lease liabilities |
| 10 | (5,435) | (4,686) |
Repayment of bank loans |
| (1,150) | (2,000) |
Finance costs paid |
| (1,147) | (1,734) |
Dividends paid |
| (7,132) | (8,282) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
| (13,361) | (9,916) |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
| 7,541 | 5,428 | |
| ||
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
| 15,497 | 10,069 | |
| ||
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
| 23,038 | 15,497 | ||
Share capital |
Own shares EBT | Foreign currency translation reserve |
Capital redemption reserve |
Share premium account |
Merger reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total | |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
| |
Balance at 1 April 2019 |
| 1,085 | (70) | (48) | 1,200 | 21,518 | 4,983 | 75,729 | 104,397 | |
| |
Profit for the year |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 13,649 | 13,649 | |
Currency translation differences |
| - | - | 98 | - | - | - | - | 98 | |
Total comprehensive income |
| - | - | 98 | - | - | - | 13,649 | 13,747 | |
| |
Dividends - final (paid) |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | (5,448) | (5,448) | |
Dividends - interim (paid) |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | (2,834) | (2,834) | |
Share-based payments |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 1,243 | 1,243 | |
Deferred tax on share-based payments |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 253 | 253 | |
Issue of share capital |
| 7 | - | - | - | 629 | - | - | 636 | |
Total transactions with owners |
| 7 | - | - | - | 629 | - | (6,786) | (6,150) | |
| |
Balance at 31 March 2020 |
| 1,092 | (70) | 50 | 1,200 | 22,147 | 4,983 | 82,592 | 111,994 | |
| |
| |
Profit for the year |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 10,204 | 10,204 | |
Currency translation differences |
| - | - | (94) | - | - | - | - | (94) | |
Total comprehensive income |
| - | - | (94) | - | - | - | 10,204 | 10,110 | |
| |
Dividends - final (paid) |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | (4,287) | (4,287) | |
Dividends - interim (paid) |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | (2,845) | (2,845) | |
Share-based payments |
| - | - | - | - | - | - | 1,247 | 1,247 | |
Issue of share capital |
| 5 | - | - | - | 348 | - | - | 353 | |
Total transactions with owners |
| 5 | - | - | - | 348 | - | (5,885) | (5,532) | |
| |
| |
Balance at 31 March 2021 |
| 1,097 | (70) | (44) | 1,200 | 22,495 | 4,983 | 86,911 | 116,572 | |
iomart Group plc is a public listed company listed on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"), incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom and registered in Scotland under the Companies Act 2006. The address of the registered office is Lister Pavilion, Kelvin Campus, West of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow, G20 0SP.
Basis of preparation
The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2020 within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2020 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2021 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which were approved by the Directors on 15 June 2021. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
The Group's financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the valuation of certain financial instruments that are measured at fair values at the end of each reporting period.
Adoption of new and revised Standards - Amendments to IFRS that are mandatorily effective for the current year
The Group applied the amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 Definition of Material for the first time as this is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020. The amendments provide a new definition of material that states, "information is material if omitting, misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those financial statements, which provide financial information about a specific reporting entity." The amendments clarify that materiality will depend on the nature or magnitude of information, either individually or in combination with other information, in the context of the financial statements. A misstatement of information is material if it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions made by the primary users. The Directors consider that this amendment had no impact on the financial statements of the Group, nor is there expected to be any future impact to the Group.
The Chief Operating Decision-Maker has been identified as the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of the Company. The Group has two operating segments and the CEO reviews the Group's internal reporting which recognises these two segments in order to assess performance and to allocate resources. The Group has determined its reportable segments which are also its operating segments based on these reports.
The Group currently has two operating and reportable segments being Easyspace and Cloud Services.
· Easyspace - this segment provides a range of shared hosting and domain registration services to micro and SME companies.
· Cloud Services - this segment provides managed cloud computing facilities and services, through a network of owned data centres, to the larger SME and corporate markets. The segment uses several routes to market including iomart Cloud, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), SystemsUp, Cristie Data, Sonassi, LDeX, Bytemark and Memset.
Information regarding the operation of the reportable segments is included below. The CEO assesses the performance of the operating segments based on revenue and a measure of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) before any allocation of Group overheads, charges for share-based payments, costs associated with acquisitions and any gain or loss on revaluation of contingent consideration and material non-recurring items. This segment EBITDA is used to measure performance as the CEO believes that such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of the segment.
The Group's EBITDA for the year has been calculated after deducting Group overheads from the EBITDA of the two segments as reported internally. Group overheads include the cost of the Board, all the costs of running the premises in Glasgow, the Group marketing, human resource, finance and design functions and legal and professional fees.
The segment information is prepared using accounting policies consistent with those of the Group as a whole.
The assets and liabilities of the Group are not reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision-Maker on a segment basis. Therefore none of the Group's assets and liabilities are segmental assets and liabilities and are all unallocated for segmental disclosure purposes. For that reason the Group has not disclosed details of segmental assets and liabilities.
All segments are continuing operations. No customer accounts for 10% or more of external revenues. Inter-segment transactions are accounted for using an arms-length commercial basis.
Operating Segments
Revenue by Operating Segment
| 2021 | 2020 |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Easyspace |
| 11,939 | 12,792 |
Cloud Services |
| 99,944 | 99,789 |
| 111,883 | 112,581 |
Cloud Services revenue during the year can be further disaggregated as follows:
| 2021 | 2020 |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Cloud managed services |
| 57,961 | 54,590 | |
Self-managed infrastructure |
| 30,311 | 28,009 | |
Non-recurring revenue |
| 11,672 | 17,190 | |
| 99,944 | 99,789 |
The nature of these three offerings are explained within the Chief Executive Officer report on page 7.
Recurring and Non-recurring Revenue
The amount of recurring and non-recurring revenue recognised during the year can be summarised as follows:
| 2021 | 2020 |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Recurring - over time |
| 100,211 | 95,391 |
Non-recurring - point in time |
| 11,672 | 17,190 | ||
| 111,883 | 112,581 |
Geographical Information
In presenting the consolidated information on a geographical basis, revenue is based on the geographical location of customers. There is no single country where revenues are individually material other than the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is the place of domicile of the parent company, iomart Group plc.
Analysis of Revenue by Destination
| 2021 | 2020 |
| £'000 | £'000 |
United Kingdom |
| 97,113 | 95,333 |
Rest of the World |
| 14,770 | 17,248 |
Revenue from operations |
| 111,883 | 112,581 |
Profit by Operating Segment
| 2021 | 2020 | ||||
| Adjusted EBITDA | Depreciation, amortisation, acquisition costs and share-based payments | Operating profit/(loss) | Adjusted EBITDA | Depreciation, amortisation, acquisition costs and share-based payments | Operating profit/(loss) |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Easyspace | 5,343 | (1,165) | 4,178 | 5,649 | (1,459) | 4,190 |
Cloud Services | 40,482 | (24,091) | 16,391 | 42,307 | (23,269) | 19,038 |
Group overheads | (4,417) | - | (4,417) | (4,446) | - | (4,446) |
Acquisition costs | - | (493) | (493) | - | (438) | (438) |
Share-based payments | - | (1,247) | (1,247) | - | (1,243) | (1,243) |
| 41,408 | (26,996) | 14,412 | 43,510 | (26,409) | 17,101 |
Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| 33 |
| 1,856 |
Group interest and tax |
| (4,241) |
| (5,308) |
Profit for the year |
| 10,204 |
| 13,649 |
Group overheads, acquisition costs, share-based payments, interest and tax are not allocated to segments.
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Corporation Tax: |
| |
Tax charge for the year |
| (3,448) | (3,976) | |
Adjustment relating to prior years |
| (100) | 357 | |
Total current taxation charge |
| (3,548) | (3,619) | |
| |
Deferred Tax: Origination and reversal of temporary differences |
1,266 |
367 | |
Adjustment relating to prior years |
| 18 | 266 | |
Effect of different statutory tax rates of overseas jurisdictions |
| 4 | (13) | ||
Effect of changes in tax rates |
| - | (136) | |
Total deferred taxation credit |
| 1,288 | 484 | |
| |
Total taxation charge |
| (2,260) | (3,135) |
The differences between the total taxation charge shown above and the amount calculated by applying the standard rate of UK corporation tax to the profit before tax are as follows:
2021 £'000 |
2020 £'000 |
| |
Profit before tax |
| 12,464 | 16,784 | |
| |
Tax charge @ 19% (2020: 19%) |
| 2,368 | 3,189 | |
| |
Expenses disallowed for tax purposes |
| 33 | 20 | |
Tax effect of net (loss)/gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| (6) | (353) | |
Adjustments in current tax relating to prior years |
| 100 | (357) | |
Tax effect of different statutory tax rates of overseas jurisdictions |
| 10 | 6 | |
Movement in deferred tax relating to changes in tax rates |
| - | 136 | |
Tax effect of share-based remuneration |
| (259) | 651 | |
Movement in unprovided deferred tax related to development costs |
| - | 40 | |
Movement in unprovided deferred tax related to property, plant and equipment | 32 | 69 | |||
Movement in deferred tax relating to prior years |
| (18) | (266) | |
| |
Total taxation charge for the year |
| 2,260 | 3,135 |
The weighted average applicable tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2021 was 19% (2020: 19%). The effective rate of tax for the year, based on the taxation charge for the year as a percentage of the profit before tax is 18.1% (2020: 18.7%).
Deferred tax assets and liabilities at 31 March 2021 have been calculated based on the rate of 19% enacted at the balance sheet date (2020: 19%). It is expected that the 25% UK corporation tax rate announced by the UK government in March 2021 will be enacted in the next financial year.
The Group recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities as follows:
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Share-based remuneration |
| 1,332 | 1,069 |
Capital allowances temporary differences |
| 1,363 | 1,364 |
Deferred tax on acquired assets with no capital allowances |
| (40) | (88) | ||
Deferred tax on customer relationships |
| (2,356) | (3,298) |
Deferred tax on intangible software |
| (161) | (193) |
Deferred tax asset/(liability) |
| 138 | (1,146) |
At the year end, the Group had no unused tax losses (2020: £nil) available for offset against future profits.
The movement in the deferred tax account during the year was:
Share-based remuneration £'000 |
Capital allowances temporary differences £'000 |
Development costs £'000 | Deferred tax on acquired assets with no capital allowances £'000 |
Customer relationships £'000 |
Intangible software £'000 |
Total £'000 |
Balance at 1 April 2019 | 1,378 | 1,632 | (422) | (157) | (3,173) | (197) | (939) |
Acquired on acquisition of subsidiaries | - | (82) | - | - | (875) | - | (957) |
Charged to equity | 253 | - | - | - | - | - | 253 |
Credited/(charged) to statement of comprehensive income | (724) | (373) | 472 | 87 | 1,131 | 27 | 620 |
Effect of different tax rates of overseas jurisdictions | - | 7 | - | - | 6 | - | 13 |
Effect of changes in tax rates | 162 | 180 | (50) | (18) | (387) | (23) | (136) |
Balance at 31 March 2020 | 1,069 | 1,364 | - | (88) | (3,298) | (193) | (1,146) |
Credited/(charged) to statement of comprehensive income | 263 | (8) | - | 48 | 953 | 32 | 1,288 |
Effect of different tax rates of overseas jurisdictions | - | 7 | - | - | (11) | - | (4) |
Balance at 31 March 2021 | 1,332 | 1,363 | - | (40) | (2,356) | (161) | 138 |
The deferred tax asset in relation to share-based remuneration arises from the anticipated future tax relief on the exercise of share options.
The deferred tax on capital allowances temporary differences arises mainly from plant and equipment in the Cloud Services segment where the tax written down value varies from the net book value.
The deferred tax on development costs in the prior year arose from development expenditure on which tax relief was received in advance of the amortisation charge.
The deferred tax on acquired assets arises from data centre equipment acquired through the acquisition of iomart Datacentres Limited on which depreciation is charged but on which there are no capital allowances available.
The deferred tax on customer relationships and intangible software arises from permanent differences on acquired intangible assets.
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, after deducting any own shares held in Treasury and held by the Employee Benefit Trust. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the total of the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, after deducting any own shares, and adjusting for the dilutive potential ordinary shares relating to share options.
Total operations |
2021 £'000 |
2020 £'000 | |
Profit for the financial year and basic earnings attributed to ordinary shareholders |
| 10,204 | 13,649 | |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares:
| No 000 | No 000 | |
Called up, allotted and fully paid at start of year |
| 109,160 | 108,510 | |
Own shares held by Employee Benefit Trust |
| (141) | (141) | |
Issued share capital in the year |
| 230 | 436 | |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares - basic |
| 109,249 | 108,805 | |
| |
Dilutive impact of share options |
| 2,416 | 2,861 | |
| |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares -diluted |
| 111,665 | 111,666 | |
| |
Basic earnings per share |
| 9.3 p | 12.5 p | |
Diluted earnings per share |
| 9.1 p | 12.2 p | ||
Adjusted earnings per share |
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 | |
| |
Profit for the financial year and basic earnings attributed to ordinary shareholders |
| 10,204 | 13,649 | ||
- Amortisation of acquired intangible assets |
| 5,457 | 6,159 | ||
- Acquisition costs |
| 493 | 438 | ||
- Share-based payments |
| 1,247 | 1,243 | ||
- Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration |
| (33) | (1,856) | ||
- Tax impact of adjusted items |
| (1,341) | (1,406) | ||
Adjusted profit for the financial year and adjusted earnings attributed to ordinary shareholders |
| 16,027 | 18,227 | |
Adjusted basic earnings per share |
| 14.7 p | 16.8 p | |
Adjusted diluted earnings per share |
| 14.4 p | 16.3 p | ||
Goodwill |
Development costs | Acquired Customer relationships | Software |
Beneficial contracts | Domain names & IP addresses | Total |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Cost |
At 1 April 2019 | 85,382 | 9,193 | 52,766 | 8,039 | 86 | 280 | 155,746 |
Additions | - | - | - | 2,490 | - | - | 2,490 |
Currency translation differences | - | - | 38 | (33) | - | - | 5 |
Acquired on acquisition of subsidiaries | 1,097 | - | 4,610 | - | - | 56 | 5,763 |
Disposals | - | - | - | (173) | - | - | (173) |
Development cost capitalised | - | 1,405 | - | - | - | - | 1,405 |
At 31 March 2020 | 86,479 | 10,598 | 57,414 | 10,323 | 86 | 336 | 165,236 |
Additions | - | - | - | 561 | - | - | 561 |
Currency translation differences | - | - | (78) | (57) | - | - | (135) |
Disposals | - | - | (73) | - | - | - | (73) |
Development cost capitalised | - | 1,306 | - | - | - | - | 1,306 |
At 31 March 2021 | 86,479 | 11,598 | 57,263 | 10,827 | 86 | 336 | 166,895 |
Accumulated amortisation: |
At 1 April 2019 | - | (6,866) | (33,795) | (4,164) | (48) | (280) | (45,153) |
Charge for the year | - | (1,507) | (6,159) | (1,420) | (7) | - | (9,093) |
Currency translation differences | - | - | - | (53) | - | - | (53) |
Disposals | - | - | - | 173 | - | - | 173 |
At 31 March 2020 | - | (8,373) | (39,954) | (5,464) | (55) | (280) | (54,126) |
Charge for the year | - | (1,446) | (5,457) | (1,455) | (7) | (9) | (8,374) |
Currency translation differences | - | - | 82 | 90 | - | - | 172 |
Disposals | - | - | 13 | - | - | - | 13 |
At 31 March 2021 | - | (9,819) | (45,316) | (6,829) | (62) | (289) | (62,315) |
Carrying amount: |
At 31 March 2021 | 86,479 | 2,085 | 11,947 | 3,998 | 24 | 47 | 104,580 |
At 31 March 2020 | 86,479 | 2,225 | 17,460 | 4,859 | 31 | 56 | 111,110 |
Of the total additions in the year of £561,000 (2020: £2,490,000), no amounts related to leases under IFRS 16 (note 10) (2020: £1,425,000). There were no amounts included in trade payables at the year end (2020: £nil). Consequently, the consolidated statement of cash flows discloses a figure of £561,000 (2020: £1,065,000) as the cash outflow in respect of intangible asset additions in the year.
All amortisation and impairment charges are included in the depreciation, amortisation and impairment of non-financial assets classification, which is disclosed as administrative expenses in the statement of comprehensive income.
Included within customer relationships are the following significant net book values: £1.9m in relation to the acquisitions of Memset Limited with a remaining useful life of 7 years, the managed private cloud business of ServerChoice Limited of £1.8m with a useful life of 7 years, Bytemark Limited with a net book value of £0.8m and LDeX Group Limited of £2.0m both with a remaining useful life of 6 years, Sonassi Limited of £2.5m, Dediserve Limited of £0.9m, SimpleServers Limited of £0.5m all three with a remaining useful life of 5 years.
During the year, goodwill was reviewed for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets". No impairment charges (2020: £nil) arose as a result of this review. For this review goodwill was allocated to individual Cash Generating Units (CGU) on the basis of the Group's operations.
The carrying value of goodwill by each CGU is as follows:
Cash Generating Units (CGU) |
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Easyspace |
| 23,315 | 23,315 |
Cloud Services |
| 63,164 | 63,164 |
| 86,479 | 86,479 |
The recoverable amount of a CGU is determined based on value-in-use calculations. These calculations use pre-tax cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by the Board covering a five year period. These projections are the result of detailed planning and assume similar levels of organic growth as the Group has experienced in the previous years. As outlined previously, management remain confident in sustaining such levels of growth despite the on-going Covid-19 pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has been considered in great detail when finalising these projections and they are perceived to be a reliable basis upon which to base our impairment testing.
The growth rates and margins used to extrapolate estimated future performance continue to be based on past growth performance adjusted downwards to take into account the additional risk due to the passage of time. The growth rate does not exceed the long-term average growth rate for the business in which the CGU operates. The growth rates used to estimate future performance beyond the periods covered by the annual and strategic planning processes do not exceed the long-term average growth rates for similar products.
In determining the value-in-use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
Management continue to apply the judgement that there are two distinct CGUs within the Group, namely Cloud Services and Easyspace. These segments have been derived with due consideration to IAS 36. The assumptions used for the CGU included within the impairment reviews are as follows:
| Easyspace | Cloud Services | |||
| 31 March 2021 | 31 March 2020 | 31 March 2021 | 31 March 2020 | |
| |
Discount rate |
| 14.0% | 13.1% | 14.0% | 12.5% |
Future perpetuity rate |
| 0.0% | 0.0% | 2.5% | 2.0% |
Initial period for which cash flows are estimated (years) | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Based on an analysis of the impairment calculation's sensitivities to changes in key parameters (growth rate, discount rate and pre-tax cash flow projections) there was no reasonably possible scenario where the CGU's recoverable amount would fall below its carrying amount.
| Freehold property | Leasehold property and improve-ments | Data centre equipment | Computer equipment | Office equipment | Motor vehicles | Total | |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | |
| |
Cost: |
| |
At 1 April 2018 | 8,910 | 7,943 | 23,457 | 81,611 | 2,920 | 31 | 124,872 | |
Additions in the year | - | 21,287 | 1,482 | 14,847 | 57 | 11 | 37,684 | |
Acquisition of subsidiaries | - | 457 | 1,192 | 1,540 | - | 2 | 3,191 | |
Disposals in the year | - | (16) | (18) | (622) | (206) | (21) | (883) | |
Currency translation differences | - | - | - | 216 | - | - | 216 | |
At 31 March 2020 | 8,910 | 29,671 | 26,113 | 97,592 | 2,771 | 23 | 165,080 | |
Additions in the year | - | 9,157 | 1,966 | 10,504 | 40 | - | 21,667 | |
Disposals in the year | (179) | - | - | - | - | - | (179) | |
Currency translation differences | - | (134) | - | 127 | - | - | (7) | |
At 31 March 2021 | 8,731 | 38,694 | 28,079 | 108,223 | 2,811 | 23 | 186,561 | |
| |
Accumulated depreciation: |
| |
At 1 April 2019 | (418) | (3,510) | (13,635) | (58,372) | (1,868) | (24) | (77,827) | |
Charge for the year | (279) | (3,610) | (1,853) | (9,625) | (262) | (6) | (15,635) | |
Disposals in the year | - | 16 | 18 | 622 | 206 | 21 | 883 | |
Currency translation differences | - | - | - | (157) | - | - | (157) | |
At 31 March 2020 | (697) | (7,104) | (15,470) | (67,532) | (1,924) | (9) | (92,736) | |
Charge for the year | (265) | (4,541) | (1,753) | (10,089) | (226) | (8) | (16,882) | |
Disposals in the year | 25 | - | - | - | - | - | 25 | |
Currency translation differences | - | (30) | - | 74 | - | - | 44 | |
At 31 March 2021 | (937) | (11,675) | (17,223) | (77,547) | (2,150) | (17) | (109,549) | |
| |
Carrying amount: |
| |
At 31 March 2021 | 7,794 | 27,019 | 10,856 | 30,676 | 661 | 6 | 77,012 | |
| |
At 31 March 2020 | 8,213 | 22,567 | 10,643 | 30,060 | 847 | 14 | 72,344 | |
During the year there were additions of £63,000 (2020: £824,000) in respect of reinstatement provisions and additions of £8,683,000 (2020: £20,540,000) in respect of leases under IFRS 16 (note 10). Of the total remaining additions in the year of £12,921,000 (2020: £16,320,000), £977,000 (2020: £3,185,000) was included in trade payables as unpaid invoices at the year end resulting in a net increase of £2,271,000 (2020: net increase of £1,632,000) in trade payables. Consequently, the consolidated statement of cash flows discloses a figure of £15,192,000 (2020: £14,688,000) as the cash outflow in respect of property, plant and equipment additions in the year.
Note 10 provides the movements in the year relating to IFRS 16 right-of-use assets as included in the above table.
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Current: |
| |
Lease liabilities (note 10) |
| (3,437) | (3,029) | |
Current borrowings |
| (3,437) | (3,029) | |
| |
Non-current: |
| |
Lease liabilities (note 10) |
| (21,430) | (17,318) | |
Bank loans |
| (52,791) | (52,791) | |
Total non-current borrowings |
| (74,221) | (70,109) |
Total borrowings |
| (77,658) | (73,138) |
The carrying amount of borrowings approximates to their fair value.
Details of the Group's lease liabilities are included in note 10.
At the start of the year there was £52.8m (2020: £48.5m) outstanding on the multi option revolving credit facility and drawdowns of £1.1m (2020: £6.2m) were made from the facility during the year. Repayments totalling £1.1m (2020: £2.0m) were made resulting in a balance outstanding at the end of the year of £52.8m (2020: £52.8m).
The multi option revolving credit facility of £80m is able to be used by the Group to finance acquisitions, capital expenditure, general business purposes (up to a maximum of £8m each year) and for the issue of guarantees, bonds or indemnities. As at 31 March 2021, the facility is available until September 2022 at which point any advances made under the multi option revolving credit facility become immediately repayable. Each drawdown made under this facility can be for either 3 or 6 months and can either be repaid or continued at the end of the period. Interest is charged on this loan at an annual rate determined by the sum of the multi option revolving credit facility margin, LIBOR and the lender's mandatory costs. The multi option revolving credit facility margin is fixed at 1.5% (2020: 1.5%) per annum and a non-utilisation fee of 40% (2020: 40%) of the multi option revolving credit facility margin is due on any undrawn portion of the full £80m multi option revolving credit facility. The effective interest rate for multi option revolving credit facility in the current year was 1.61% (2020: 2.17%).
Given the terms of the revolving credit facility and the ability for any drawdowns made to be extended beyond 31 March 2021 at the discretion of the Group, the total amount outstanding has been classified as non-current.
The obligations under the multi option revolving credit facility are repayable as follows:
| 2021 | 2020 | ||||
| Capital | Interest | Total | Capital | Interest | Total |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Due within one year | - | (366) | (366) | - | (465) | (465) |
Due within two to five years | (52,791) | - | (52,791) | (52,791) | - | (52,791) |
| (52,791) | (366) | (53,157) | (52,791) | (465) | (53,256) |
The Directors estimate that the fair value of the Group's borrowing is not significantly different to the carrying value.
Analysis of change in net cash/(debt) |
Cash and cash equivalents £'000 |
Bank loans £'000 | Lease liabilities £'000 |
Total liabilities £'000 | Total net cash/(debt) £'000 |
At 1 April 2019 | 10,069 | (48,536) | (777) | (49,313) | (39,244) |
Lease liabilities on transition to IFRS 16 | - | - | (20,421) | (20,421) | (20,421) |
Additions to lease liabilities | - | - | (1,544) | (1,544) | (1,544) |
Repayment of bank loans | - | 2,000 | - | 2,000 | 2,000 |
New bank loans | - | (6,150) | - | (6,150) | (6,150) |
Impact of effective interest rate | - | (105) | - | (105) | (105) |
Acquired on acquisition of subsidiaries | - | - | (1,705) | (1,705) | (1,705) |
Cash and cash equivalent cash inflow | 5,428 | - | - | - | 5,428 |
Lease liabilities cash outflow | - | - | 4,100 | 4,100 | 4,100 |
At 31 March 2020 | 15,497 | (52,791) | (20,347) | (73,138) | (57,641) |
Additions to lease liabilities | - | - | (8,683) | (8,683) | (8,683) |
Repayment of bank loans | - | 1,150 | - | 1,150 | 1,150 |
New bank loans | - | (1,150) | - | (1,150) | (1,150) |
Currency translation | - | - | 169 | 169 | 169 |
Cash and cash equivalent cash inflow | 7,541 | - | - | - | 7,541 |
Lease liabilities cash outflow | - | - | 3,994 | 3,994 | 3,994 |
At 31 March 2021 | 23,038 | (52,791) | (24,867) | (77,658) | (54,620) |
The Group leases assets including buildings, fibre contracts, colocation and software contracts. Information about leases for which the Group is a lessee is presented below:
Right-of-use assets |
| Leasehold Property £'000 | Data centre equipment £'000 |
Software £'000 | Total £'000 | |
| |
Balance at 1 April 2020 |
| 17,494 | 788 | 1,235 | 19,517 | ||
Additions |
| 3,855 | 4,828 | - | 8,683 | ||
Currency translation differences |
| (162) | - | - | (162) | ||
Depreciation |
| (2,328) | (1,394) | - | (3,722) | ||
Amortisation |
| - | - | (285) | (285) | ||
| |
Balance at 31 March 2021 |
| 18,859 | 4,222 | 950 | 24,031 | |
The right-of-use assets in relation to leasehold property and data centre equipment are disclosed as non-current assets and are disclosed within property, plant and equipment at 31 March 2021 (note 8). The right-of-use assets in relation to software are disclosed as non-current assets and are disclosed within intangibles at 31 March 2021 (note 7).
Lease liabilities
Lease liabilities are presented in the balance sheet within borrowings as follows:
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Current: |
| |
Lease liabilities |
| (3,437) | (3,029) | |
| |
Non-current: |
| |
Lease liabilities |
| (21,430) | (17,318) | |
Total lease liabilities |
| (20,347) | (20,347) |
The maturity analysis of undiscounted lease liabilities are shown in the table below:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Group has elected not to recognise a lease liability for short-term leases (leases with an expected term of 12 months or less) or for leases of low value assets. Payments made under such leases are expensed on a straight line basis. During the year ended 31 March 2021, in relation to leases under IFRS 16, the Group recognised the following amounts in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income: |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Short-term and low value lease expense |
| (1,578) | (1,662) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Depreciation charge |
| (3,722) | (3,224) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Amortisation charge |
| (285) | (190) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Interest expense |
| (732) | (649) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| (6,317) | (5,725) |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of cash flows:
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 |
Amounts payable under leases: |
| |
Short-term and low value lease expense |
| (1,578) | (1,662) | |
Repayment of lease liabilities within cash flows from financing activities* | (5,435) | (4,686) | |||
| (7,013) | (6,348) |
*Included in repayment of lease liabilities within cash flows from financing activities in the year ended 31 March 2020 is a repayment of £1.0m in relation to the settlement of lease liabilities on the acquisition of Memset Limited.
| 2021 £'000 | 2020 £'000 | |
| |
Contingent consideration due on acquisitions within one year: |
| |
- LDeX Group Limited |
| - | (1,153) | |
- Memset Limited |
| - | (500) | |
- ServerChoice Limited |
| - | (827) | |
| |
Total contingent consideration due on acquisitions |
| - | (2,480) |
Final consideration due on acquisitions of £2,447,000 (2020: £nil) was paid in the year resulting in a gain on revaluation of contingent consideration of £33,000 (2020: £1,856,000 gain) recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
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